If someone responds to your ad and asks you to go to another web site, or look at some video, it's a scam and likely a trick to get you to install a virus on your computer so the scammer can steal your identity and personal information!
Does this ad violate our terms of service? Is it offensive, inappropriate or a scam? Please use the button
below to send a report and we'll take care of this right away. Please report only once. We appreciate your help!
Here are the types of ads that should be reported:
Inappropriate or illegal content (pornographic ads or selling illegal/counterfeit items)
I am a TERMINATOR (donated $20+ to LAC this month) and want to remove competitor ads who have not supported the site and this is one of them!
"Work from home" or other money-making schemes (unless they are sponsors as indicated by the icon in the upper-right corner of the ad)
Ads that appear to be from someplace other than where they claim (the fraud check reveals their location is somewhere odd like overseas when they appear to be in the State or nearby region.)
Ads promoting other commercial web sites or ventures (that are not sponsored)
Incomplete or misleading ads
Ads in the wrong category
Spam or multiple ads for the same item
An ad that is not an ad, but instead inappropriate commentary
An ad that has clearly erroneous information
An ad with no legitimate contact information
Ads where once contacted, the advertiser offers something different or tries to scam you.
Male Maltese
Male Maltese
D.O.B. may 22, 2024. Up to date on shots and worming. Registered. Monroe area. $600
318 680 2100
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